Urgent Situation in DR Congo: What are we doing to help?

Thank you to those of you involved in our recent Silent Auction Fundraiser! With the funds raised, we are able to send some immediate help for the urgent need in DR Congo. Of course, every dollar donated towards this need is greatly needed and appreciated!

There is an urgent situation in DR Congo that is intensifying this week as rebel soldiers are attacking and forcing residents of rural villages to flee for their lives. These people are seeking refuge in already overcrowded refugee camps, home to tens of thousands of vulnerable people, mostly women and children.

urgent situation drc dr congo refugees homeofhope home of hope children child sponsor help needy crisis february 2024

See Feb 15 News Report: https://abcnews.go.com/International/200-dead-thousands-flee-violence-flares-eastern-drc/story?id=107255747

As of this week, the M-23 rebels are gaining ground, heightening the risk of encircling Goma (population of 3 million). Bombs are exploding, claiming the lives of hundreds, including UN soldiers who are working tirelessly to maintain peace in the region.

We need to send financial aid. So many innocent people are at risk and our team in DRC is ready to help.

A message today from Joshua (one of our HOH team who serves in Minova Refugee camp) says:

"We have a great number of refugees due to this war with rebel soldiers in north DR Congo. We are receiving many new children. I am praying for a Feeding Program in Buganga. It could help them a lot. Now food is very small because we have so many children coming for the Feeding including those refugees. Please keep us in your prayers."

Your continued support ensures that we can make a difference in the lives of those facing this craziness in DR Congo. Together, we stand strong, providing hope and help to those who need it most.

PHOTO: This aerial photograph, taken on Oct. 2, 2023, shows the Rusayo IDP camp, home to tens of thousands of war-displaced people on the outskirts of Goma in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Refugee camp in DR Congo - taken Oct 2023. Already crowded. Where are all of the people going to stay?


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Every dollar will help us feed more people amid this crisis!