About Us
Home of Hope is a child-focused, church-based, non-profit organization that helps thousands of children and orphans with monthly sponsorship, school, feeding programs, animal projects, helping women to become self-sufficient with microloans and much more.
The Boy's Home of Hope in India started 1982.
Home of Hope started helping in Rwanda in 2006, Kenya in 2010, and Congo in 2012.
About Us: Mission Statement
We are a ministry of Home Church (formerly Word of Life Centre Church and Ministries - Red Deer, Alberta)
Home of Hope is a non-profit, non-biased Christian organization dedicated to empowering people within developing nations. Our focus is to provide care for orphans and children with desperate needs who cannot take care of themselves.
Our vision is to give hope to those who are hopeless, to help the helpless, to feed the hungry, to mend the sick, and most of all, to show the love of God.
Pure religion is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction... James 1:27
Meet the Founder

Brian Thomson
Home of Hope Founder & Operations Director
Brian and Connie have been married 40+ years, have four married children 14 grandchildren and reside in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
He is not on staff with Home of Hope. He has never taken a salary from donations. He puts in a lot of time mentoring all staff around the world and overseeing all projects (that's a BIG job).
He loves to play tennis, eat bacon rinds and make people laugh.
Read this article about Brian's first trip to Rwanda and the beginning of Home of Hope.
Website: www.brianthomson.com
Email: [email protected]
Meet the Canadian Team

Karissa Paterson
Operations Manager
Karissa started working with Home of Hope part-time in 2008 and had 2 maternity leaves. She is married to Garrick and has 2 children. She spends her free time with her kids, friends, outside or working on her side gigs.
Email: [email protected]

Connie Thomson
Connie helped establish the administration of Home of Hope when her husband, Brian Thomson, first started helping children! Connie has seen the projects firsthand and knows what is needed. She has been a pastor for 40 years and is helping HOH get to the next level in helping more people.
Email: [email protected]

Sandy Landin
Sponsorship Coordinator
Sandy started working part-time for HOH in November 2021. She loves being part of the incredible team and loves getting updated sponsorship cards out to their sponsors. Sandy is a mom to 2 adult married children and is a “mom” to many. Sandy's favorite thing to do is spend time with her kids & family.
Email: [email protected]
Meet the International Team
Diana oversees the Dream Centre operations and manages the many staff involved in helping the rescued children 24/7.
She has 3 children and a foster child and she can fluently speak Swahili and English.
Pastor George oversees all HOH Projects in Kenya. He has an amazing servant heart and has proven his integrity over the past 13 years. His wife, Janet, is a soft-spoken woman of conviction who love to counsel young teens who are pregnant and have no place to turn.
Together, they have 2 children and have 5 children from the Dream Centre living with them.
Aime is married with 3 children. He oversees all Home of Hope projects in Rwanda. Aime shows a lot of initiative and raises money locally to help his home country. He gets ideas to help children and goes for it! For example, the Healthcard Project and the Shoe Project were both his ideas!
Aime speaks French, English, Kinyarwanda and a bit of Congolese!
Christian has an outgoing, contagious personality, is married and has been on the team with Home of Hope since 2013. He is very passionate and has a very soft heart towards desperate children in Congo. He oversees the many projects helping single mothers and children.
He speaks English, French, Swahili and 4 other Congolese languages!
Sponsor a Child
We help desperate children in many countries. Did you know that we rescue babies from the dump and the streets? Sponsor a child today.
Fund our Projects
Feeding Projects, Schools, Microloans, Buildings, and much more! These projects depend on our amazing supporters.
There are many ways to donate: online via creditcard and paypal, from your stocks, cryptocurrency and more. Donate today!