Sponsor a child for $50/month

This provides basic care for the children including food and schooling.

**The Kenya Dream Centre rescued children require more sponsorship because each child requires 24-hour care from our professional caregivers, housing, healthcare, medication, schooling and more.

Fill out the Sponsorship Form Here

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sponsor a child - imani joy rescued baby

Dream Centre: Imani Joy

Needs $150/month
Age: 3 months

Rescued on March 20th from being abandoned by the street in the Korogocho slum (Nairobi, Kenya). She was rescued at 5am by a good samaritan who called our team. middle of the night. It was a very cold night and the baby was wrapped in a blanket tightly. She is healthy and doing well living at the Dream Centre.

Annie Connie Ayana

Dream Centre: Annie Connie

Needs $150/month
Age: 3 months

Rescued on March 20th from being abandoned by the street in the Korogocho slum (Nairobi, Kenya). She was rescued in the middle of the night, wrapped in a blanket tightly. She weighed 4.4kg (9.7lbs). She feeds 150ml of formula every 3 hours and cries when she is hungry. She is strong. She tries to raise her head when lying on her tummy and pushes her feet when stood on a flat surface.

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Dream Centre: Cheryl Pendo

Needs $200/month
Age: 5 months

Cheryl was abandoned near the Dream Centre in December. Cheryl is now a few months old. Cheryl now weighs just over 8 pounds. She is fed 150ml of formula every 2 hours. She loves being held and cuddling and when she isn’t being held, she will scream. Cheryl does not like to nap, and it takes her a while to get to sleep. Cheryl appears to be healthy but is still being monitored by the doctors. Cheryl needs sponsorship.

sponsor a child kenya daniella

Dream Centre: Daniella

Needs $200/month
Age: 2

This baby girl was left in a slum church and then brought to the Dream Centre on July 1, 2024. She is estimated to be 2 years old. She appears healthy and can speak words. She was very dirty when she arrived and after a bath, she slept for 3 hours! Her name and birthdate were estimated.

zedaya zendaya sponsor a child dream centre

Dream Centre: Zedaya Wanjiru

Needs $200/month
Age: 8 months

At just 8 months old, this baby's parents were not able to care for her, so they abandoned her with strangers. She had burns on her body and bad diaper rash. When rescued, she was taken to the hospital immediately and was diagnosed with pneumonia, dehydration and malnutrition. She was discharged from the hospital after 12 days. She is better now. Her names mean: Capable Warrior Princess

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Kenya: Felix Joel

Needs $200/month
Age: 1

Felix was at the Dream Centre after being abandoned in the hospital. He is now with a loving Kenyan family for his first birthday! Felix enjoys eating his meals and likes eating porridge and drinking his milk. He babbles and sucks his thumb when he is happy. Felix can sit without support and enjoys being cuddled by the caregivers and older kids. He is a happy little one and needs your sponsorship!


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Dream Centre: Isabella Hawi

Needs $50/month
Age: 6 months

Isabella has been at the Dream Centre since Jan and is slowly gaining weight. She is given 120ml of formula every 2 to 3 hours. Isabella enjoys her naps and likes to sleep on her tummy. After he naps, she is full of smiles. When she is hungry, she will let out a very loud cry. She enjoys getting cuddles from her caregivers. Currently, Isabella has no medical concerns. She needs your sponsorship.

sponsor a baby kenya

Dream Centre: Renald Allan

Needs $100/month
Age: newborn

Rescued on June 22, 2024, this baby was abandoned in the slum soon after he was born. Someone had called the police who then called us. He weighed 2.5kg (5.5lb) and seems to be doing well health-wise. Goes by "Rennie"

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Dream Centre: Elias Carlos

Needs $150/month
Age: 1.5

Elias was placed in the care of the Dream Centre in November and in June2024 was placed in a loving Kenyan foster family. Sponsorship continues until May2025. He is a great eater and demands a lot of attention. He has started learning to climb on things and loves looking out the windows.

sponsor a child warner clarence chacha

Dream Centre: Warner Clarence Chacha

Needs $150/month
Age: 4 months

Warner has been gaining weight steadily since coming to the Dream Centre. He feeds on his formula every 2 hours, taking in 90ml at a time, but a lactose-free formula is needed, as he spits up a lot. This formula is 3 times more expensive and he needs more funds in order for us to be able to buy it for him.

Jadon Gideon Baraka2

Dream Centre: Jadon Gideon Baraka

Needs $25/month
Age: 1.5

Jadon was rescued at 3 days old. Today, he is a happy little boy. He laughs and babbles a lot. He loves being held and dancing around to music. Jadon can sit without support. He tries to reach out and grab things. He tries to crawl a bit. Jadon enjoys sucking on his fingers. He has a very happy appetite for his porridge and mashed foods. Jadon is living with a loving Kenyan foster family who have taken him in.

Mark Mwema

Dream Centre: Mark Mwema

Needs $200/month
Age: 4

Mark's a sweet boy with a bright smile and a bright future despite being rescued from child trafficking. He loves to play with blocks and organizes toys by color. Mark is quick to make friends and is learning lots of new things, like brushing his teeth on his own. He’s peaceful and avoids conflicts, preferring to play and chat. His favorite meal is rice with beef stew, which he enjoys slowly.

tiana sponsor a child

Dream Centre: Tiana Dhahabu

Needs $200/month
Age: 1

This precious baby girl was abandoned at a local restaurant. As we await updates on her condition and age determination, we are prepared to provide the necessary medical care and support. Your assistance towards her stay and medical needs is greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping us ensure her well-being and future.

Ethan Adams1

Kenya: Ethan Adams

Needs $150/month
Age: 1.5

Ethan was rescued at 2 months old by a sewer, then was in the hospital with pneumonia for over a month until he was well enough to be at the Dream Centre. Shortly after he fully recovered, he was moved into a loving foster family in Kenya. Ethan is a happy little boy who giggles a lot. He loves to be cuddled!

Joshua Patrick Baraka7

Family Unit #7: Joshua Patrick Baraka

Needs $65/month
Age: 11.5

Joshua has Cerebral Palsy and just moved into the "Special Needs Family Unit" with a few other children. He is a joy and is a bright boy in school. He has a positive attitude and does not let his condition stop him from doing things others do. Joshua wants to become a policeman when he is older. He hopes to one day go to speech therapy so he can learn to talk better and not drool so much.

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Dream Centre: Sebastian Kilonzo

Needs $25/month
Age: 5.5

Sebastian loves playing outside and loves exploring. He does well in school but learns slower than others. Sebastian loves with his whole heart and loves helping others. He enjoys participating in the kid's activities at church. He is learning how to make his bed. He has a very healthy appetite. Sebastian likes to identify different colors when he is coloring pictures. He is a joy to spend time with.

Mizuno Mel Madini5

Dream Centre: Mizuno Mel Madini

Needs $150/month
Age: 3

Mizuno has been placed in a foster family, which means that he needs sponsorship for 12 months (until April 2025). Mizuno is short for his age. He is a kind boy who likes to play with toy cars and balls. He loves his mealtimes and enjoys eating porridge, ugali, and fish. He also loves all the different kinds of fruits. Mizuno has learned to share his toys.

John Mukhwana8

Kenya: John Mukhwana

Needs $50/month
Age: 14

John's sponsor cancelled and he needs your sponsorship. John is in the 8th grade and takes his studies very seriously. He loves learning. John’s self-esteem has greatly improved since he started counselling. John takes his medication daily for HIV and doesn’t let that discourage him from always doing his best. He also attends monthly clinic checks. John has a great group of friends with whom he enjoys spending time.

sponsor a child rogan rwanda

Rwanda: Rogan Cyiza

Needs $50/month
Age: 5 months

Rogan's mother abandoned him with her mother who is old, frail and sickly. She is a member of the Nyarutarama Home Church location. She struggles daily to provide basic necessities like milk and clothing for the baby as she is too sick to work.


Rwanda: Fiston Impanoyimana

Needs $50/month
Age: 2.5

Fiston lives with his elderly grandmother who is HIV+ and struggles to provide for him financially. His mother is a teenager who was sexually assaulted, she is HIV+ and by a miracle, Fiston is not! He doesn't know his father, as his mother left him with his grandmother as she suffers from mental illness since the assault. He is malnourished and does not speak!


Rwanda: Radju Irihariye Mugwaneza

Needs $50/month
Age: 3

Radju was abandoned by her mother to her poor grandmother who does her best to care for her. She is quiet and does not speak well but her speech is improving. Going to church brings Radju joy. Playing outside with friends makes her happy. She hopes to go to school one day to learn with friends.

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Rwanda: Joyce Imfurayatwembi

Needs $50/month
Age: 4.5

Joyce’s mother was a prostitute and became pregnant. Her father is unknown. Her mother left her with her grandmother and Joyce’s grandmother felt obligated to take her in. She cares for Joyce despite her old age. She struggles to provide for Joyce and is unable to work due to her age. Joyce does attend church with her grandmother. Joyce suffers from malnourishment and has internal worms.

hubert sponsor child home of hope rwanda africa

Rwanda: Hubert Karangwa

Needs $25/month
Age: 3

Hubert has been doing well since receiving your sponsorship. He no longer suffers from intestinal worms, and his health has greatly improved. Hubert is a kind boy, and he is still living with his guardian. They attend church every week and Hubert enjoys attending Sunday school. He likes playing outside and exploring.

Write your child a letter!

We love to pass letters back and forth between sponsors and their sponsored child! It is fun for everyone involved! Fill out the form after clicking the button.

Want to sponsor a rescued baby?

Put your name on our waiting list to sponsor a newly rescued baby! And sometimes, the sponsor gets the privilege of naming them!

How Home of Hope Started Sponsorship

Home of Hope Director, Brian Thomson, was the first to start sponsoring a child in Rwanda. When he was there in 2006, he met a mother who was dying of AIDS and her four children were going to be homeless and left to fend for themselves... [READ MORE]