Our dedicated caregivers and staff pour their hearts into nurturing each child. Your sponsorship helps support their incredible work. Any amount is appreciated ($25, $50, $100, etc.) or the full amount of $300/month.

Dream Centre: Lucy
Lucy is a single mother of 4. One of her kids died in 2021. She has volunteered at the Dream Centre since 2022. She specifically enjoys cooking, washing clothes and bathing the kids. She has bonded with Abiah because the boy is so inquisitive and likes to know everything. Lucy works whenever we have a sick caregiver, a child is sick and admitted to the hospital and we need someone to stand in. She also washes clothes during weekends to relieve the caregivers.

Dream Centre: Jerida Nanga
I am a mother of 5 and I love children. I get to experience and learn so many things as I care for the children because they teach me. My work is very eventful! I definitely draw from my personal experience of raising five children of my own. I am grateful daily that I get to care for all the wonderful abandoned babies at the Dream Centre.

Dream Centre: Miriam Electin
Miriam started volunteering at the Dream Centre in 2019. She is married and has two kids. Her husband is unemployed and does casual jobs whenever available. She enjoys interacting with the kids and helping them through their vulnerability and challenges is a great motivation for her. She has a special liking for Tiana and other weak and vulnerable children who come. She also works whenever there is a vacancy to step in when a caregiver is sick, during weekends or when a baby is in hospital and someone to fill in is needed.

Dream Centre: Deborah Ambasa
Deborah is a mother of two. Her desire was to have many babies but unfortunately, it wasn't possible. So she takes her work of caring for the children as a God-given opportunity to bond, but also get the satisfaction she craves. She is very dedicated to her work and has a quiet understanding of the babies. She is always punctual and will be found humming niceties to the babies.

Family Unit #7 Mother: Leslie
Leslie is a single mother of 3 children aged 8+. She is passionate about caring for kids who have been abandoned and are vulnerable. She is so loving and patient with the children with special needs in the Family Unit and really bonds with them.
She loves to listen to gospel music and traveling.

Dream Centre: Claire Situma
Needs $110/month more
Claire was initially very nervous to work with the babies but she has done so well. She is now a mother of four and has gained lots of experience. She especially gets so excited to see those who come with all sorts of malnourishment and other health complications come to health and even get adopted. She cares so much that she pays close attention and remembers the likes and dislikes of the children.

DC Social Worker: Marggy
I have been a volunteer at the Dream Centre since it started in 2011 and started working in April 2021 as the DC Social Worker. The story of the kids always intrigued me as I can identify first-hand with being vulnerable and not having your biological parents care for you. I had always desired to work with children who had been abandoned. I love it when I get to place children into loving homes where they can grow up - loved.

Kenya: Beatrice
Beatrice is our Dream Centre Teacher in charge of educating the rescued children. She has seen these rescued children through their academic growth path from day one. The older kids who recently joined the high school after passing with high marks are a product of her exemplary work, especially at the foundational level. Beatrice and Samuel also care for 6 rescued children in their home.

Kenya: Samuel
Samuel oversees the Child Sponsorship Program and also the Dream Centre Property maintenance. He is also a "dad" to six rescued children form the slums. as their foster parent. We are so grateful for Samuel's commitment and the great work that he does.

Kenya: Diana
Diana is the lead caregiver at the Dream Centre, overseeing the Dream Centre Operations. She has a passion for what she does, now over 10 years! She trains all the caregivers and updates rescued babies’ information to the sponsors and the daily operation of the Dream Centre.

Kenya: Anastacia
Anastacia is Home of Hope's Social Worker. She connects children with compatible foster homes. She also follows up to ensure that the children's social well-being is maintained inside and outside the Dream Centre home. We so appreciate her hard work at the Dream Centre.

Rwanda: Fidele (Overseer)
Pastor Fidele oversees ALL of our Home Church locations across Rwanda (a huge job!). He is a strong leader and we are honoured to have him on our team!

Kenya: Alice
Dream Centre operations requires great book keeping and accounting all finances including reporting back with the receipts. This requires trained and qualified finance personnel. Alice has joined the team, she is a trained banker and already doing a great job.

Kenya: George & Janet
George risks his life to go into the slum and rescue babies who have been thrown away in the dump. He also helps desperate women who are about to throw away their babies who see our sign that says "Don't Throw Away Your Baby". He gets 10-15 calls every single day.
Janet is the overseer of the Pregnant Mothers and Stella Project. We rescue single mothers out of the worst living conditions you can imagine, we rescue them, train them, and help them to be self-sufficient and moved out of the slum in one year.

Rwanda: Aime S. Habimana
Aime is our Rwanda Project Manager! He works as the Children's Advocate and Program Coordinator with responsibility for providing quality basic care and supervision of the care of children, women, caregivers and programs under the Home of Hope mandate. He is qualified and brings clarity and fun to our team.

Rwanda: Dominic (Guard)
$200 CAD needed
Dominic is our guard who has watched over our Home of Hope Gatsata church property and school (with approximately 80 students) for many years now. He is a great man who does a great job!

DRCongo: Serge
Serge is the HOH Field Office in Congo. He is married with 3 children. Serge is passionate about empowering and teaching women. He oversees the updating of contracts, writing their stories, recording data, and sending updates to the HOH office. Serge is an excellent administrator who is passionate about his work with Home of Hope!

DRCongo: Olivier
Olivier is the Home of Hope nurse in DRCongo. He is married and has 1 daughter. Olivier is the brother to Christian. He has been part of the team for 3 years. Olivier supervises the Feeding Project for the malnourished children in the communities HOH serves in. He is passionate about medically helping and teaching the poor.

DRCongo: Shakilah (Project Manager)
Shakilah is a joyful, brilliant, multi-lingual woman who oversees our food cart ministry with the Microloan Project and teaches women in the Tumaini Project. She has proven herself trustworthy over the past 5 years and is excellent in everything she does.
Read some amazing stories of our Caregivers
Fighting for His Life (story told from Caregiver's perspective)
Or Donate
You can sponsor a caregiver/staff member, or if you can't decide, you can simply donate. We accept e-transfer, cheque, creditcard, paypal, crypto and more. Thank you for your generosity!