50 Paintings Raising Funds for Education

50 Paintings Raising Funds for Education

We've got something incredible to share with you! The Maple Creek High School grade six students and local artist Geoff Phillips, collaborated to do some amazing paintings, raising funds for our Education Fund!

Turning Canvases into Opportunities

Imagine a world where every stroke of a paintbrush holds the promise of a brighter future. That's exactly what happened when the Maple Creek High School grade six students teamed up with artist Geoff Phillips. Together, they embarked on a mission to create 50 stunning paintings that would serve a purpose beyond aesthetics.

paintings raising funds for education
paintings raising funds for education

The Mission of Education

The inspiration for these paintings came from the powerful stories shared by Home of Hope, a charitable organization based in Red Deer, Alberta. This incredible group works tirelessly to support thousands of children and orphans across India, Rwanda, Kenya, and the DR Congo. From monthly sponsorships to school programs, feeding initiatives, and empowering women with microloans - Home of Hope is a beacon of hope for those in need.

paintings raising funds for education need school
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting

Painting a Better Tomorrow

The Maple Creek students set out to create meaningful backgrounds for portraits. These canvases were then brought to life by the talented brush of Geoff Phillips. The result? Fifty unique, heart-touching paintings that are not just beautiful pieces of art but also carry the dreams of countless children seeking a chance at education and a brighter future.

school art artist geoff phillips maple creek feeding program food meal home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek feeding program home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting

Your Chance to Make a Difference

Each of these incredible paintings is up for grabs at the suggested price of $100. Every penny from these purchases will go to the Education Fund for children in need. It's not just about acquiring a beautiful piece of art; it's about investing in the education of a child and helping them to break the cycle of poverty.

Did you know that for as little as $5 (CAD) a month, you can sponsor a child's school tuition? That's a small amount that can make a massive impact.

school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting  feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting rescued

Your Chance to Make a Difference

Each of these incredible paintings is up for grabs at the suggested price of $100. Every penny from these purchases will go to the Education Fund for children in need. It's not just about acquiring a beautiful piece of art; it's about investing in the education of a child and helping them to break the cycle of poverty.

Did you know that for as little as $5 (CAD) a month, you can sponsor a child's school tuition? That's a small amount that can make a massive impact.

school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting feeding program

How to Get Your Hands on a Piece of Hope

Ready to bring home a painting that not only enriches your space but also enriches lives? Contact Geoff Phillips at 306-330-0450 to make a purchase that goes beyond aesthetics. Your new artwork will serve as a constant reminder of the positive change you've contributed to.

Learn more about this amazing new Education Fund by clicking here.  Thank you for considering supporting this cause - your kindness has the power to paint a brighter tomorrow for these children in need.

Let's spread hope, one brushstroke at a time. 🎨💙

school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program soccer football
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program tree
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art anai artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program
school art artist geoff phillips maple creek home of hope images children africa rwanda kenya india child baby dream centre alberta canada paint painting education fund feeding program