Standing Shoulder-to-Shoulder with Home of Hope’s Devoted Staff

Here in Canada, we work hard to get awareness of Home of Hope and send money to help children in Africa and India. But the ones who work the hardest, who we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with, are our devoted international staff! Today, we want to highlight one of these amazing people: Olivier.

Our ongoing medical initiative in the DR Congo is making a difference in the lives of over 5000 children. We have this amazing nurse named Olivier, and he's doing an incredible job!

olivier nurse medical charity
olivier nurse medical charity
olivier nurse medical charity
Going Above and Beyond:

Olivier is not just your average nurse. He's a superhero in scrubs! He's out there supervising feeding programs, teaching women and kids about hygiene and nutrition, and identifying sick children who need treatment. With his trusty malaria rapid tests and a stash of essential medicines, he's like a one-man medical squad! Every week, he visits different feeding programs, helping around 300 children at each one.

In March alone, he reached a whopping 1500 kids, providing consultations and ensuring early diagnosis and treatment. Talk about a lifesaver!

olivier nurse medical charity
olivier nurse medical charity
olivier nurse medical charity
A Little Hiccup:

Here's the deal, though. Olivier has hit a little snag. He had a sponsor who used to give him $200CAD. That money was crucial for his travel expenses and meals while he was out in the field. The funds we receive go towards buying medical supplies and drugs, but without that extra support for Olivier himself, things have gotten a bit tougher.

Let's Show Some Love:

This is where we need your help! Our international staff, including Olivier, are real-life superheroes. They leave their families and comforts behind to make a difference in the lives of the children. We need your support to keep them going strong. By contributing whatever you can, you'll not only help cover the costs of medical supplies and medicine but also ensure that Olivier and his colleagues have the resources they need to keep up their life-changing work.

Taking Action:

We can't do this without you. Your support means the world to us. Would you check out the incredible work our team is doing? There are many ways to lend a hand, from making a donation (every little bit counts!) to spreading the word on social media. We'd love for you to be prart of what we are doing!

Together, We Can Make a Difference:

By supporting our international staff at Home of Hope, you're not just helping fund their work but also showing them that they're not alone. We're in this together. Together, we can bring hope, healing, and love to these incredible children who deserve nothing less.

So, let's together stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Olivier and the rest of our international staff. They're the unsung heroes who are making a real impact in the lives of vulnerable children. Join us on this journey of compassion and change. Your support, no matter how big or small, has the power to transform lives. Together, we can create a brighter future and give these children the love and care they deserve.

It's time to make a difference!

Click here to see pictures of our staff who you can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with by supporting them. We even encourage emails and communication between sponsors and international staff! It is awesome!