A Change of Perspective: What holding discarded children has done for me

Today, we're sharing a change of perspective... a touching story that began on a mission trip to Kenya and Rwanda in December 2013. It's a story that started with a trip to Kenya and Rwanda back in December 2013, where a newlywed couple embarked on a journey that would not only change their lives but inspire them to make a difference in the world.

Sometimes life surprises us in the most unexpected ways, and this story is no different. What began as a simple mission trip turned into an eye-opening experience that reshaped their views on an incredibly important topic: the value of life.

"In December 2013, my wife and I, newly married, joined a Home of Hope mission trip to Kenya and Rwanda.  

While I looked forward to meeting our sponsored children, little did I know that the trip would profoundly reshape my perspectives in ways I could never have imagined. 

Previously, I regarded abortion as a personal choice, validating the myriad reasons that might lead someone to consider it. But seeing the many unwanted and abandoned children, discovered in trash heaps, put a face to the other side of that choice. 

Life poured from these small, beautiful souls. Without Home of Hope, these lives would have had no chance. 

I can only imagine that the decision to surrender a child is a terrible choice to have to make, but I know for certain what holding discarded children has done for me; It has stamped indelibly on my heart that every unborn and unwanted child is infinitely precious, and we have no idea what God can do with a life, no matter how humble its beginnings, once He takes hold of it."

James M. 

James had such a change of perspective - by holding the rescued child in his arms.

We completely agree when he said: "Every unborn and unwanted child is infinitely precious."

You can be part of this mission.

Join us in rescuing children and mothers. Together, we can make a difference, one life at a time.

Thank you for your support!

Through the Dream Centre, we are able to rescue babies from the Nairobi dump, slum and the streets.

But not only that - we have a sign that says "Don't throw away your baby" with our phone number in Kenya. We have 10-15 calls every day (even years later) of people in desperate situations. We have been able to help hundreds of young teens and mothers with counseling and financial aid. With support, all mothers have either decided to keep their baby or give it up for adoption. This is such a great WIN when many of the mothers call with the intent of ending their pregnancy or throwing away their newborn.

If you are interested in holding the rescued babies in your arms, apply to join a mission trip! Seeing a baby on tv or in a blog post doesn't quite have the same impact.


change of perspective rescued baby