What is HOH’s mission statement?
Home of Hope is a ministry of Home Church (formerly Word of Life Centre Church and Ministries – Red Deer, Alberta) Home of Hope is a non-profit, non-biased Christian organization dedicated to empowering people within developing nations. Our focus is to provide care for orphans and children with desperate needs who cannot take care of themselves. Our vision is to give hope to those who are hopeless, to help the helpless, to feed the hungry, to mend the sick, and most of all, to show the love of God. Pure religion is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction…  James 1:27
How did HOH start?
What countries is HOH helping in?
How does the Feeding Project work?
How is HOH helping medically?
Can I see Home of Hope’s financial audits?
What administration does HOH take?
Is my donation tax deductible?
How do I include HOH in my WILL?
How can I volunteer with Home of Hope?
How can I give a year-end donation?