It may be hard to understand the scope of all that is involved in rescuing babies in Kenya. Here is a glimpse. We are looking for monthly sponsors to help with the $2500 monthly operation costs of the Dream Centre. Medical Professionals, Social Worker, 12+ caregivers, Dream Centre manager, security guard, Nutritionist, Full-time Driver. Then there are the monthly bills like water, power, internet, taxes, office supplies, garbage collection, building maintenance and more.

Sponsors for the hard-working Caregivers are needed - $280/month per Caregiver (Any amount of monthly sponsorship toward this will be a blessing)

Purchasing land and constructing a building in Kariobangi, Kenya - a central hub location in Nairobi. The vision for this property is to rescue children, teens and young adults from gangs, crime, violence and abuse, giving them a safe place to be mentored, trained, and a place where they can find purpose! There will be regular Microloans training as well for 100's of teens, single mothers and the poor.

Total cost of project: $500,000 CAD

Donations toward this amazing project are being matched (up to $37,500 USD).

See more information here -->


Helping children is the MOST important thing we do. Sponsorship covers their basic needs and schooling.
Click here to see the most desperate children right now.

Education is so important! We are pooling funds and sending money over for children needing help with their school fees. Our top priority are the children who were rescued in Kenya and have no known relatives to care for them.
Click here to read more


HOH Director, Brian Thomson, is needed to go to many countries to do extensive training to ensure our level of excellence is maintained. He raises his own funds separately and travels an average of 4 times a year. Every trip costs a minimum of $4000.
Currently, Brian visits the countries we are working in: Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi, and Mozambique.

Laptops and phones are always a huge need for our international staff. Communicating with many staff overseas is always a challenge, but is so much better when they have good laptops and phones. Donated phones or funds for phones are a great need.

 To keep our administration fee at the low rate of 15%, we fundraise separately towards administration fees.

The needs of thousands of orphans and desperate children, over 40 staff, and hundreds of people traveling in teams to Rwanda require a substantial amount of administration. One of the areas where you can make a vital difference in is by contributing to the administrative costs of our Canadian staff who make it all possible.

  • More staff is needed to ensure that every dollar is properly spent and best utilized as we expand and help more children. As a non-profit, we depend on our sponsors and our administration fee for our staff and administration.


You can give a Bible to a child, teen, or leader for only $12! There are always people in need of Bibles in our many locations. We ask every receiver of a Bible to pay at least $1 so that they value it more. We could easily give out 1000 Bibles.

Many children go hungry and are malnourished. One of the most practical ways of helping these kids is to feed them a good, hot, nutritious meal.
Just $1/plate!


A part-time coordinator is needed to manage over 30 animal projects. We are wanting to start more animal co-ops as quick as possible, as it is a great way to help poor people to become self-sustaining. Rwanda, Congo, and Kenya

Animals Coordinator – Reporting, helping the process, agriculture training, sending pictures back to sponsors ($300/month)

Click here to learn more about the Animal Project

We have purchased land for an "ANIMAL SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT" to support the poor in rural Kenya. The vision is to buy this land and start dairy, pigs, poultry and crop farming to raise funds and support many desperate children. This land costs $16,000 USD, and we have already raised $4,000 USD. We're looking for great sponsors who can partner with us to make this project a reality.

Step 1: Acquire the land  -DONE
Step 2: Add cows and animals for self-sustainability


Something that makes Home of Hope different: we don't build orphanages, we create "family units". Widows become mothers and orphans become her children. What a better and more nurturing environment for those children to grow up in!
Costs involved: Legal fees, child's everyday needs, rent of home, furniture, groceries, clothing, etc.
One of these units, specifically, is with a wonderful woman named Diana who took in a few children with special needs. Read more about this here.

We are helping hundreds of "violated women" in DRCongo who would otherwise be rejected by society. We need more and more funds to provide these women with microloans to make money.
Find out more about this amazing and life-altering project here.

We own a number of parcels of land in key locations that need a training centre building to feed children, train adults in business, vocational training and more. Christians currently meet under trees, in small mud huts or under tarps – the need is great for buildings.

LEAD LOCATION: We have many projects in areas and groupings. We need a “Lead Location” in each of these areas that can be the “hub” or central place of training and development. We need 5 major lead location areas so that we can help more children in that area. We would love to chat with anyone who could be interested in helping or would like more details.

  1. Northwestern Rwanda, Idjwi Island, Congo: 7 locations with 7 more starting! In one location, land has been donated, and we now need to build a central building. But we need land in the other locations.
  2. Peru in Western Rwanda: Land we are looking at is $11,500 CAD, and to build a building is approx $50,000 CAD

Buying Land: Many of our locations have NOTHING. We need to buy land in these areas to begin.
Approx $5,100CAD average would buy a 1-acre parcel of land to build a training centre (seats 300 people) and for banana crops.
Approx $7,700CAD would buy a larger piece of land and provide room to build a building and grow bananas as a source of income.
Approx $15,500CAD would buy 3-acres of land, which could allow more banana trees to be planted.

Not sure which project to choose?

Donate to our "undesignated/present need" fund here.