What you see is the evidence of how two professionals from two totally different worlds can come together to work to improve the lives of many.
On the right is Laura Rogers from Olds, Alberta Canada. Laura had been a nurse for several years and upon some recent visits to Rwanda was able to put those skills to work for a great cause.
Hilda, on the left is from Gatsata, Rwanda and has graciously agreed to work with Home of Hope in the many areas its serves. Hilda is a woman who is in her final year of nurses training. She has an intense schedule and yet she takes time to come and work with HOH and Laura to travel to remote locations and see individual after individual, for hours on end.
The reward for both is that their skills are being used where they are needed most. By people who need them most. Some of the injuries, illnesses and situations you won’t find in the western world. If you are medical professional…your skills are needed here. Hilda would love to work alongside you and learn from you and I know that you will learn from Hilda and the patients she encounters weekly.
Come and see what the world has for you in your chosen field of medical/dental profession. Home of Hope and the people of Rwanda, India and Kenya are waiting for you.
Article written by: Lee MacBean