Can Love Really Heal? The Impact of Caregivers

Can Love Really Heal?

The caregivers at the Dream Centre are the closest thing to a mother’s love that the rescued children experience. These amazing ladies provide not just physical care, but emotional and spiritual healing to children who have been abandoned, abused, trafficked, or left to die on the side of the road or in the slum. Their love creates a sense of belonging and hope for the future, helping the children overcome their malnutrition, trauma, and the scars of their past.

The children at the Dream Centre

The children at the Dream Centre come from difficult scenarios:

  • Malnourished: Many arrive at the Dream Centre severely malnourished and in desperate need of care.
  • Abandoned: Others were left alone, abandoned in houses or on the street, left to die.
  • Abused: Many have suffered physical and emotional abuse.
  • Victims of Child Trafficking: Some have been rescued from the horrors of trafficking.
  • Attempted Abortion: Some have survived attempts to end their lives before they were even born.

With so many challenging cases, the caregivers at the Dream Centre rise to the occasion with immense love, compassion, and support.

The Love of a Caregiver

In a world where these children have faced the darkest of times at such a young age, the Dream Centre is there, powered by the amazing love of its caregivers. Their love and dedication are making an incredible impact. Who knows who these children are going to grow up to be? Doctors? Lawyers? The Kenyan President? We know that these children are called to greatness, and the only way for that to happen is through the caregivers who care for them day in and day out. These kids need mothers who care for them, and they have that in these amazing women (most are mothers themselves).

So, the question… can love really heal?

At the Dream Centre, we believe that the answer is a resounding YES. The caregivers show this to us every day.

Watch some of the videos that they post here and you’ll see what we are talking about --> HOME OF HOPE DREAM CENTRE

zedaya zendaya sponsor a child dream centre love of a caregiver

Written by Karissa Paterson

Sponsor a Caregiver Today

We are raising $300/month for a Caregiver, but you can give any amount that fits your budget towards one of these incredible ladies!


Sponsor a Child

Or maybe you are interested in sponsoring a baby like the one in the picture above? $50 or $100 or $200/month is helpful towards their 24/7 care by these wonderful women.