Success stories are always so much fun to experience - especially in person! Jane and her son have an amazing story that you must read! (There is a happy ending!)
Brian was able to meet Jane in person and show her the pictures in Meant 4 More and talk to her. Read the excerpt, then watch the video below.
Excerpt from Meant for More:
"Jane was a desperate woman who had been rejected by her parents. When we first met her, she had tried several times to end her own life. She started spending nights in bars and selling herself to men so she could get food.
When she found herself pregnant, her first thought was abortion because she already had two sons who were ten and thirteen. She felt it was shameful to now be pregnant, and even more shameful to have a child whose father was unknown. Jane agreed to meet with us, and we loved and counseled her for months. She accepted Jesus and decided to keep the baby after birth. One of the names she gave the baby boy was Brian, after Pastor Brian, whom she encountered in one of the training times that changed her life.
Jane was accepted into our business training school to learn about microloans to start a business. She now has a successful business that has allowed her to become self-sustaining."

Here is the short video of Jane - it is amazing how far she has come!
From all of us at Home of Hope, thank you for supporting us and enabling us to help women like Jane! What an amazing success story!
Ready to find out more?
We are helping many women with our Microloans Project - food carts, food stands, charcoal, and much more. It is fun to see money help a single mother, then another single mother, then another!