The Home of Hope Documentary is coming soon! Watch the trailer now.

Local Charity, International Impact.

Home of Hope is a child-focused, church-based, non-profit organization that helps thousands of children and orphans and helps single moms to become self-sufficient with many projects.

Read more about how Home of Hope started...

Home of Hope started helping in Rwanda in 2006, Kenya in 2010, and DRCongo in 2012.
We are effectively altering the course of these countries for generations to come!

Home of Hope Logo local charity international impact


Silent Auction Fundraiser 2025

With the amazing support of businesses and individual donors, together we raised over $19,000 for the children! Thank you!


We are on Miracle Channel

On March 19 at 11AM MST, Brian Thomson and Home of Hope are being featured!



Thousands of children are being helped by our many projects. Feeding Programs, Animals, Schooling, Microloans and more... #itsforthechildren


Going on a team is a great experience! Find out what you can do abroad to help some of the most desperate children around the world.


Here is a detailed list of needs that we are constantly updating. From sponsoring a child to helping in the construction of buildings and self-sustaining projects.


Yes! We have merchandise available for purchase! Of course, all of the funds go right back into the projects helping children. <3


Donations are what makes it possible for us to help thousands of children! Find out more about how you can donate or fundraise for Home of Hope


"Witness the TRUE STORY of a man dedicated to rescuing abandoned babies." Watch the trailer now. Visit a showing in your area to see the full 14-minute documentary.

Book Purchase = $$ for Home of Hope Projects:

Read Stories from Brian Thomson and Home of Hope:

Our Founder and Director, Brian Thomson wrote an inspirational book of how he got started helping children. It tells stories and gives practical tips on how you can find your purpose.

Brian was Meant 4 More, the kids were Meant 4 More, You are also Meant 4 More.

Available in: Paperback, e-Book and Audiobook
English and Spanish

Top Ten Tips for a Terrific Tantalizing Twosome

Get your copy of Brian & Connie Thomson's marriage book, and support Home of Hope projects at the same time! This book will help you strengthen, build and enjoy your marriage! It's a quirky, helpful book with 120 pages.

How to Build, Strengthen and Equip Your Marriage

Available in: Paperback, e-Book and Audiobook
English and Spanish