Kariobangi Rescue Centre

A safe place for rescued children & young adults in the Kariobangi.

We have helped hundreds, we want to help thousands!

rescue centre nairobi
3D drawing of future building

The Kariobangi Rescue Centre

The Kariobangi Rescue Center will be a 4-storey building located adjacent to one of the largest slums in Nairobi, Kenya and the 30-acre dump where many of the babies have been rescued who are currently being raised at the Dream Centre live.
This new facility will focus on finding solutions to the larger community living here, through various intervention projects such as Microloans, counselling, financial and business training, and so much more.
Would you partner with us and help us expand our vision and community initiatives as we build this facility?
Kariobangi rescue centre land purchased May 2022

The land has been purchased and building construction has begun!

kariobangi rescue centre kenya africa

Kariobangi is a subdivision in Nairobi, Kenya. There is a slum of 750,000 people beside it and a 30-acre dump.

counseling kenya women mothers young

Counseling young mothers

We currently have a building in Nairobi where we are caring for rescued babies.

The Kariobangi Rescue Centre will be a second building where we can better serve Nairobi.

sponsor a child

Rescuing hundreds - we want to help thousands!

We have rescued over 300 children from abandonment and abortion. We will continue with the Dream Centre. Find out more about what we are doing and how you can be involved.


The Home Church in Kariobangi is a church on the weekend, but during the week it is a much-needed rescue center, offering training to single moms which will help them succeed and establish small businesses so they can afford to move out of the slums.

Mark P.
BC, Canada

This multi-level facility includes leasable spaces for offices and stores to help provide revenue. This building could help launch hundreds of microloans, co-ops, and food carts to assist thousands of women and over 10,000 children. I am committed to helping find solutions for the greatest needs I have ever seen in my life, and I encourage you to do the same.

Andrew T.
BC, Canada

Would you help us to see this building because a reality?