It is well known throughout the world that the Democratic Republic of Congo (also referred to as DRC) has the highest extreme poverty rate in the world. With 6 out of 7 people living on less than $1.25 a day, it is nothing short of common that a mother is often left having to decide which of her children, if any, will eat on any given day.
Civil war and political turmoil have had a long-standing devastating effect on the DRC, one of the most heavily populated countries in Africa. That unrest has displaced thousands of individuals, primarily women and children.
Minova, which was once considered a small town, is now primarily a refugee camp that hosts over 15,000 who fled for safety, only to be faced with an unsurmountable amount of additional health hazards and continued violence. It only takes a quick check on Google, to discover many of the atrocities that have taken place over the years in and around this refugee camp.
So when stories of hope sprout up amongst the thorns of darkness and destitution, they are a reminder to us all, that it only takes one seed to grow a flower.
Aline is a woman who is no stranger to this life. She has been a refugee for over 10 years and to make matters worse, just recently she lost her husband. With her 4 children and several orphans she has taken in, Aline fights to provide her family even the most basic necessities of life each day.
Despite life’s circumstances, Aline attends our Home Church location in Minova and chooses to put her trust in God. After hearing her story, the pastor felt lead to create a post on Facebook and put out a plea for financial help. An anonymous donor through Home of Hope decided to step in and help and we are happy to report, things are looking up. A simple act of kindness resulted in an answer to this women’s prayer.
With the money that was donated, Aline was able to start her own small flour business, drawing in an income of up to $6 a day. Because of this new business, she is now able to provide daily food to her own children and the orphans she has taken in. As an added blessing, we also have a Home of Hope Feeding Program in this area that offers additional support by purchasing all the nutritional formula for her baby and a weekly hot meal for her children and adopted children. Aline is feeling hope for the first time in a very long time. A reminder to all of us, to never give up.

Aline sends her appreciation and is asking if we could lift her up in prayer, believing that her business will continue to grow and flourish and one day soon, she will be able to rent a house in the village and leave the refugee camp and its deplorable conditions forever.
Thank you again to the wonderful and generous Home of Hope donor, who planted the seed in this women’s life. Thanks to that seemly small seed of hope, we are now watching a flower grow and blossom before our eyes.
Article written by: Katherine Meadows