Local Charity International Impact

Home of Hope is a child-focused, church-based, non-profit organization that helps thousands of children and orphans with:

Child Sponsorship

Projects for children: food, school, shoes, animals, etc

Microloan Projects for mothers to be self-sufficient


$50/month is all it takes to change the life of a child in Rwanda, Kenya, Congo and India. It is easy and so impactful.

Make a world of difference for someone across the world by donating to one of our projects: Feeding Programs, Microloan Project, Animals, Schools, Buildings, and present needs.

Share the news

Tell your friends and family about what Home of Hope is doing. You never know whose life will be impacted by just one conversation, video, or one brochure. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

Going to see our projects first-hand is such a great experience and has life-long effects for you and for the people that you meet! Sign up today!

Home of Hope is a child-focused, church-based, non-profit organization that helps thousands of children and orphans with monthly sponsorship, school, feeding programs, animal projects, helping women to become self-sufficient with microloans and much more.

Mission Statement

We are a ministry of Home Church (formerly Word of Life Centre Church and Ministries - Red Deer, Alberta) serving in Africa and India.

Home of Hope is dedicated to empowering people within developing nations. Our focus is to provide care for orphans and children with desperate needs who cannot take care of themselves.

Our vision is to give hope to those who are hopeless, to help the helpless, to feed the hungry, to mend the sick, and most of all, to show the love of God.

How Home of Hope started...

george at the dream centre
india boys are happy
Dream centre Kenya
feeding program $1 plate smiling faces

Our Founder: Brian Thomson

sponsor a child
brian thomson africa home of hope homeofhope red deer alberta canada charity connie farm raised born heart children sponsor founder

Brian is not on staff and has never taken a salary from donations. He puts in a lot of time mentoring all staff around the world and overseeing all projects (that's a BIG job). Have questions for Brian? Email him here.

We are rescuing babies from the dump!

The Kenya Dream Centre is helping babies that have been rescued from being thrown away in the garbage, abandoned in the slums, and saved from abortion.

$50/month is all it takes to change the life of a child in Rwanda, Kenya, Congo and India. It is easy and so impactful.

Make a world of difference for someone across the world by donating to one of our projects: Feeding Programs, Microloan Project, Animals, Schools, Buildings, and present needs.

Share the news

Tell your friends and family about what Home of Hope is doing. You never know whose life will be impacted by just one conversation, video, or one brochure. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

Going to see our projects first-hand is such a great experience and has life-long effects for you and for the people that you meet! Sign up today!

"I donate to HOH because I've seen the difference that the donations make in people's lives. I've held babies in my arms in Kenya who have been thrown away by their mothers. They are alive and well today because of donations to HOH. I have also seen the positive impact that the microloan program has had on people's lives thanks to generous donations to HOH."

peter drinkwater red deer alberta canada sponsor supporter home of hope homeofhope charity

Peter Dr.
Red Deer, AB

"When I raised money to bless my sponsor child's family at Christmas, I received a prompt reply that stated an exact breakdown of how my money was spent to bless that family. I trust Home of Hope with my money because they have proven their integrity and competency."

joy jd hornbacher brian thomson author book meant for more meant4more meant 4 more self-help inspirational christian home of hope hoh

Leduc, AB

Ready to find out more?

Check out the rest of our website, our Facebook Page, or send us a message!