In 2011, Home of Hope heard of the horror that many babies were being thrown away in the dump of Nairobi, Kenya. We immediately responded. Since then, many babies have been rescued because of signs that we put up at the dump entrances that say, "don't throw your baby away". We've rescued many, and countless more are waiting for us!
In 2018 alone, 27 babies were rescued.
FACT: Babies are being thrown away in the garbage dump of Nairobi, Kenya EVERY DAY.
We have signs at the dump entrance saying "Don't throw away your baby!" We receive 10-15 calls a day from desperate women.

TRUE STORY: This little boy was left alone in a house for days, starving so much that he was sucking the skin off of his fingers. He was rescued and was moved to the Dream Centre where his Canadian sponsor named him Jadon.
He is so happy living at the Dream Centre until he is strong and can be moved into a loving Kenyan family.

TRUE STORY: This was the first baby we rescued in 2011. His umbilical cord was still attached when he was found. Today, he lives with a wonderful Kenyan family and has a bright present and future. His story is featured in our Documentary!
The Department of Children's Services, Nairobi Says:
We recommend Home of Hope Dream Center - it has functioned for over 7 years and it has earned the reputation as a reliable and enthusiastic organization that has helped to better the lives of hundreds of children.
Join the Dream Centre Facebook Group
Want to see regular videos, pictures and updates? Join the Facebook Group! You will love it!!
What is the Dream Centre?
Our 3-storey building is located in a gated community in Nairobi, Kenya.
We can have up to 100 rescued babies and abandoned children on property at a time.
We are not an orphanage.
Our goal is to rescue 50 babies each year and nurse them back to health to then be transitioned into loving Kenyan families.

Diana Bushebi
Dream Centre Manager
Donations welcome for the Monthly Operations
If you would like to help with the monthly operations of the Dream Centre, that would be greatly appreciated! With the many babies needing food, clothing, shoes, medical attention, extra supplements, and more, costs are higher than you might expect. The government has set a high standard as well (security cameras, solar water system, etc) which is very expensive to maintain.
Children Saved From Abortion
Since we started rescuing babies, two abortion clinics have been forced to shut down because women are calling the Dream Centre first. Here are just four stories... there are many more.

Eunice got pregnant due to incest and was being pressured by her family to abort or kill it when born. She chose to give the baby to us instead to save his life.

Anai Kibali is the result of rape and her mother tried to abort her twice. In desperation, she called us for help and decided to give us her baby.

Agnes' pregnancy was a result of gang rape. She called us thinking that we were an abortion clinic. After counseling, she decided to give her baby to us and only asked that we name her Sarah.
Want to Sponsor a Rescued Baby?
Put your name on our waiting list to sponsor a newly rescued baby! And sometimes, the sponsor has the privilege of naming them!
Children Transitioned into Loving Families
Our goal is to transition every child into a loving family.
Many children are now in Kenyan foster families and "Family Units".
Family Units have parents with 4+ rescued children in a home together.

Samuel & Beatrice's Family Unit

Javan & Prominah's Family Unit

George & Janet's Family Unit