Private Prayer Requests for Home of Hope & Home Church International


Click here to see the prayer list from the January 2024 prayer night.


  1. June Health Card Campaign: Our goal is to raise 1000 health cards. They are purchased every July and are $6 for the year. See where we are with the goal here: Medical Project
  2. Staff/Caregivers: Our biggest need right now is for sponsors for our Caregivers at the Kenya Dream Centre and other staff/team members. We have 15 amazing ladies who take care of the children. 7 of them are sponsored so far at $300/month.
  3. Kariobangi Rescue Centre: We are starting the biggest project ever! We are helping hundreds in Kenya, but with this building, we will be able to help thousands! See the pictures/blueprints/information here.
  4. Sponsors: We pray every week for our amazing sponsors. Many need jobs, healing, restoration and God's blessing. Would you agree with us for miracles for them?
  5. Goal for 2024: We aim to help 5000 more children annually through our projects: monthly sponsorship, feeding program, shoes, yearly medical health cards, animals, microloans and more.
  6. Malawi: We have officially started Home of Hope Malawi! Please pray over all of the kids, our international team and the new building that is being renovated.
  7. Tanzania: We are praying for the $3000 needed to officially start Home Church in the country of Tanzania. One of the government rules to register is all churches need to own land.
  8. Next Mission Teams: Please pray with us that the right people go on the next teams: November 2024, December 2024 and April 2025


Feel free to email us with questions or your prayers. We would love to agree with you for miracles!