Private Prayer Requests for Home of Hope & Home Church International


Click here to see the prayer list from the January 2024 prayer night.


  1. June Health Card Campaign GOAL EXCEEDED! Our goal was to raise 1000 health cards and we raised 1,144! More info: Medical Project
  2. Staff/Caregivers: Our biggest need right now is for sponsors for our Caregivers at the Kenya Dream Centre and other staff/team members. We have 15 amazing ladies who take care of the children. 7 of them are sponsored so far at $300/month.
  3. Kariobangi Rescue Centre: We are starting the biggest project ever! We are helping hundreds in Kenya, but with this building, we will be able to help thousands! See the pictures/blueprints/information here.
  4. Sponsors: We pray every week for our amazing sponsors. Many need jobs, healing, restoration and God's blessing. Would you agree with us for miracles for them?
  5. Goal for 2024: We aim to help 5000 more children annually through our projects: monthly sponsorship, feeding program, shoes, yearly medical health cards, animals, microloans and more.
  6. Malawi: We have officially started Home of Hope Malawi! Please pray over all of the kids, our international team and the new building that is being renovated.
  7. Tanzania: We are praying for the $3000 needed to officially start Home Church in the country of Tanzania. One of the government rules to register is all churches need to own land.
  8. Next Mission Teams: Please pray with us that the right people go on the next teams: November 2024, December 2024, February 2025 and April 2025


Feel free to email us with questions or your prayers. We would love to agree with you for miracles!