The Rachael House

Orphans come together into a family

Rachael has been a caregiver for Home of Hope in Kenya for the past nine years. She is the house mother of three beautiful children who were rescued and brought to the Dream Centre. Now they have transitioned into her home and are a family! Rachael is loving, genuine and has a smile that can honestly light up any room she walks into. I asked her what her story was and why she has such a passion for taking in abandoned children. This is her story:

I had a perfect childhood, but things changed when my mom passed away when I was 14 years old. Three years later my dad died and life became very difficult. My siblings and I had to live with relatives who didn’t treat us well. I had to do odd jobs to pay for my school fees and most of the time I was out of school due to lack of school fees, but I thank God I managed to finish high school!

Having lost my parents at such an age, I felt within me that I should love and care for these children who don’t have parents or anyone to care for them. Having gone through what I did, I feel children are very innocent and should never be mistreated. They should be loved and cared for. This belief gives me the passion to love all children regardless of their condition. I decided to take in the Dream Centre children who had been abandoned because I want to give them a motherly love that they deserve. I would love to take in more children so I could love even more.

Having these children has impacted me a lot and I am still learning. I see how little they have and a lot of it is shared between them.

I have learned to be grateful for what I have, especially of people God has brought my way. When my parents died, I had a relative who took me in. The Dream Centre kids have relatives who don’t want anything to do with them, who threw them out and abandoned them. That is why I feel that I must love these children. And I do love them very much and always will.

Rachael has an amazing story and an amazing heart. She is looking forward to adding 3-5 more children to her family of 3 and is excited to watch them grow into the world-changers they were born to be! We are so thankful for her and for the other caregivers like Rachael who love and support these wonderful, rescued children, taking them out of poverty and into a family!

Psalm 68:6 “God sets the solitary in families”